Demo Applications

This is the AIMMS open sourced demo project gallery! Feel free to use and learn from them - then, make them your own by furthering the development! Do you have thoughts or suggestions? Please find us in our Community.

Contract Allocation

Project assigns producers to contracts to minimize total costs, ensuring demand is met, supply limits aren’t exceeded, minimal contributions are respected, and each contract has a minimum number of suppliers.

Employee Scheduling

Optimizes employee assignments across a restaurant chain by finding the most cost-effective placement of skilled staff to meet varying demands while minimizing the impact of using less experienced workers.


Problem where the goal is to maximize the total value of items placed in the knapsack, subject to a weight limit.

Reindeer Pairing

Explores alternative pairings of Santa’s reindeer based on their preferences to determine if better arrangements exist beyond the traditional Christmas lineup.

Traveling Salesman

Demonstrates various methods for solving the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), which seeks the optimal route among a set of locations based on distance.

Vessel Scheduling

Plans efficient cargo delivery with oil tankers, minimizing costs while ensuring each vessel carries one cargo within set time windows.