Speed Up MIP Solve

When you have a weak LP relaxation, or a hard LP problem that needs to be solved for your MIP problem, solving the problem can take a long time.

There are several reasons why the MIP algorithm can take a long time. Some of them are:

  • The MIP solver cannot handle this math program very well.

  • The LP relaxation is very weak and therefore there are only a few cuts in the branch-and-bound tree.

  • Solving the LP problems is relatively hard.

  • If the branch-and-bound tree becomes very large, the solver needs to swap memory, which decreases the performance drastically.


You could try to run your model with a different MIP solver. For many MIP models CPLEX and GUROBI perform better than CBC and XA.


If you have a weak LP-relaxation, you should look again at your model formulation. Maybe you can decrease the use of Big M coefficients in your model, or maybe you can add some cuts.

If you have a very large LP that takes a relatively long time to solve, you could try to solve the LPs on the nodes using the Barrier algorithm.

Go to Settings > Project Options set the following option: Specific solvers > CPLEX X.X > MIP > MIP Method: Barrier.


If your model includes natural priorities (because some decisions follow from or follow up other decisions), you could decide to make use of these priorities. See also The Priority, Nonvar and RelaxStatus Attributes.

Starting Solution

When you are able to create a good starting solution (e.g. using a heuristic), you can provide the solver with this solution to improve the solution process.

Note that this is only possible when you use CPLEX, GUROBI or CBC.

Go to Settings > Project Options set the following option:

  • CPLEX X.X: Specific solvers > CPLEX X.X > General > Advanced start > Use advanced basis

  • GUROBI X.X: Specific solvers > GUROBI X.X > MIP > MIP Start > Yes

  • CBC X.X: Specific solvers > CBC X.X > MIP > MIP Start > On