Publishing, Running and Deleting Apps on the Cloud

This article provides an example of Python code that can be used to publish a project, run a specific task on it and delete the published project.

Use Case?

“When using a CI/CD pipeline” you may want to test the app as follows:

  • Publish

  • Run scenario

  • Cleanup (including removing the app)

Below, you will find a code example of how to achieve this.

import requests
import time
import os

url = ""
    url_tasks = ""
url_scope = "applications"
project_name = 'YOURPPROJECTNAME'
project_version = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") #Creating a unique name for publishing

# Publishing
file_location = './PROJECTNAME.aimmspack'
files = [
    ('file', ('PROJECTNAME.aimmspack',
              open(file_location, 'rb'),
headers = {
    'apiKey': 'YOURAPIKEY'
payload = {'metadata': '{"name": "' + project_name + '", "description": "YOUR DESCRIPTION", "projectVersion": "' +
            project_version + '", ' '"aimmsVersionId": "", "projectCategory": "YOUR CATEGORY" }'}
# replace with the version you would like to use
# you can view available versions of AIMMS via a Rest API call to /aimms-versions

url_publish = url + '/' + url_scope
response_publish = requests.request("POST", url_publish, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)


# Runnning task
url_scope = 'tasks'
url_taskname = 'runScenarioTest' #Replace with the taskname used in the AIMMS project
url_run = url_tasks + '/' + url_scope + '/' + project_name + '/' + project_version + '/' + url_taskname + '/'

response_submit = requests.request("POST", url_run, headers=headers)

sp_id = response_submit.json()['id']

url_poll = url_tasks + '/' + url_scope + '/' + sp_id + '/'

state = ""
while state != "completed": #loop to track state of task until done
    response_poll = requests.get(url_poll, headers=headers)
    state = response_poll.json()['state']

url_response = url_tasks + '/' + url_scope + '/' + sp_id + '/' + 'response'
response_task = requests.get(url_response, headers=headers)

# Cleaning up
url_scope = "applications"
url_delete = url + '/' + url_scope + '/' + project_name + '/' + project_version + '/'

response_delete = requests.request("DELETE", url_delete, headers=headers)
