Load solver session Results Manually

If the waitForCompletion argument of pro::DelegateToServer is 0, both the data session and the solver session run in parallel. This allows the end user to browse and modify data while a delegated procedure is executed on the server side in the background. However, at the end of execution, the results are loaded back in to the data session without any warning. This unannounced loading of data does not provide the best user experience. This article presents the approach to manually control this data transfer between the data and server sessions.

What is Happening Here?

A typical pro::DelegateToServer call looks as below:

if pro::GetPROEndPoint() then
   if pro::DelegateToServer(
      completionCallback :  'pro::session::LoadResultsCallBack' )  then
      return 1;
   endif ;
endif ;

Any procedure written after the above call will be executed on the solver session and the results are stored as a data case file with a certain RequestID, a predefined AIMMS identifier. If the completionCallback argument is the predefined procedure pro::session::LoadResultsCallBack, the aforementioned case file is loaded into the data session automatically. pro::session::LoadResultsCallBack has RequestID as a local input argument.

If you want to manually trigger this loading of results, you need:

  1. the RequestID of the case file you want to load,

  2. a procedure to load this case file, and

  3. a way to activate this procedure. Here we choose a secondary action.

Example Implementation

The approach outlined above is implemented in the running example - the Flow Shop project. Download the completed file from 5. Flow Shop - Load Results.

The workflow is as below:

  1. Retrieve the RequestID in a string parameter using a simple assignment procedure.

  2. Define the completionCallback argument of pro::DelegateToServer call as this procedure to trigger the retrieval.

  3. Create a procedure to load the case file corresponding to the retrieved RequestID and link it to an action in a secondary page.

Retrieving the RequestID

Create a string parameter sp_SavedRequestID to store the requestId and a binary parameter p01_ResultsAvailable to control the visibility of the load button in the user interface.

StringParameter sp_SavedRequestID {
   InitialData: "";
Parameter p01_ResultsAvailable {
   Range: binary;
   InitialData: 0;

Now, create an assignment procedure pr_myLoadResultsCallback with a local input argument RequestID to update the values of these identifiers.

Procedure pr_myLoadResultsCallback {
   Arguments: (RequestID);
   Body: {
      sp_SavedRequestID := RequestID;
      p01_ResultsAvailable := 1;
   StringParameter RequestID {
      Property: Input;

When run, this procedure simply stores RequestID in spSavedRequestID and updates bpResultsAvailable to 1. This should not be mistaken with the actual loading procedure.

Provide completionCallback argument to pro::DelegateToServer

Now, we need to trigger the assignment procedure pr_myLoadResultsCallback when a solved case file is available on the solver session. This is done by providing pr_myLoadResultsCallback as the completionCallback argument.

if pro::GetPROEndPoint() then
   if pro::DelegateToServer(
      completionCallback :  'pr_myLoadResultsCallback',
      waitForCompletion : 0 )
   then return 1;
   endif ;
endif ;

When the solve session is completed, the procedure pr_myLoadResultsCallback is executed which will store the RequestID in sp_SavedRequestID and make the secondary action available in the UI by updating the value of p01_ResultsAvailable to 1.

Create a procedure to load the data

Create a procedure pr_LoadResults with the below body:

Procedure pr_LoadResults {
   Body: {
      sp_SavedRequestID := "";
      p01_ResultsAvailable := 0 ;

We are executing the predefined procedure pro::session::LoadResultsCallBack to load the case file on the data session, but with our own argument sp_SavedRequestID instead of the default argument. After the results are loaded, we also empty the sp_SavedRequestID and p01_ResultsAvailable to hide the load results button. This last emptying step is not necessary but it is a good practice to not show buttons that are not available anyway.

We want to control the visibility of BtnLoadResults because it makes sense for it to show up only when results are available to load. This appearance acts as a notification for the end user that results are available. The user interface when the results are available, but not yet downloaded looks as follows:


The AIMMS project that does just this, can be downloaded from: 5. Flow Shop - Load Results.


By following the above steps, the end user can control when the case file resulting from an execution on the solver session is loaded onto the data session (or available to view by the end user).

Further Opportunities

By following the above steps, the end user can control when the case file resulting from an execution on the solver session is loaded onto the data session (or available to view by the end user). Some examples of opportunities for further improvement are:

  1. End users may want to keep track of the progress of the solution process, especially the gap is interesting. In Use the Progress Window in WebUI we show how to do this.

  2. The contents of intermediate solutions can be interesting for the data session at hand. In Show Intermediate Solutions we show how to copy selected intermediate results from the solver session to the data session.

  3. Once the solution is “good enough for now”, the end user may want to abort the solver session. In Interrupt the solver session we will show how to interrupt the solver session.