Zip Library ../../_images/zip-library.png


This toolkit library is used to facilitate compressing folders to files and reverting.


This chapter is divided into three sections:

  1. Adding the Library

  2. Main Procedures

Adding the Library

To add and use this library to your project, first download the code and after, follow these steps on how to add an existing library to a project.

Main Procedures

Procedure zip::pr_zipFolderToFile(sp_folderName, sp_destinationFile)
  • sp_folderName – the folder name to compress.

  • sp_destinationFile – the file name to store the archive into.

Procedure zip::pr_unzipFileToFolder(sp_fileName, sp_destinationFolderName)
  • sp_fileName – the file that contains the archive.

  • sp_destinationFolderName – the folder to store the uncompressed contents.

Minimal Requirements

AIMMS Community license is sufficient for working with this example on Windows. To use the Linux version, you will need an AIMMS License for using on Linux, or allowed to deploy on AIMMS Cloud.

Release Notes

v1.0 (10/03/2025)

First official release as a toolkit library.

Earlier versions of Zip Library is available via previous article.