Various (Integer) Linear Modeling Tricks
Modeling problems with an (integer) linear program sometimes requires some experience to recognize certain structures in the problem description that can be formulated in a linear way.
At the Naval Postgraduate School, Gerald Brown and Robert Dell developed a list of formulettes, and made these
available Formulating Integer Linear Programs: A Rogues Gallery from
This article demystifies the art of formulating linear and integer linear programs.
This is achieved by introducing formulettes, which consist of a verbal description and
the constraints and variables that model this verbal description.
The first simple example of a formulette they provide is the following:
For each unit of X1, there must be at least 5 units of X2
which can be modeled with
The document contains a lot more of such formulettes of varying complexity.
Furthermore, in our book Optimization Modeling
you can also find various modeling tricks in the chapters 6 Linear Programming Tricks
and 7 Integer Programming Tricks
The Optimization Modeling book can either be found online via the link above, or you can find it under the Help menu after you started AIMMS.