Reading Slices of Data via ExternalBinding Mapping Element

Data is sometimes provided in several, similarly structured, .json files; for instance as a result of multiple DEX Client requests. Each of these .json files provides a slice of the data to be worked on.

In this how-to, two ways are presented for handling the slices:

  1. Doing it yourself, via additional AIMMS parameters.

  2. Using the ExternalBinding element.

Please use the following project to follow this article:


We have three .json, each describing some properties of a stream. These properties are named prp1, prp2, and prp3 in the .json file. Their data is to be read in, into the AIMMS identifiers p_prop1(i_stream), p_prop2(i_stream), and sp_prop3(i_stream) respectively.

Solution by Adding Additional Parameters

Doing it yourself, three additional parameters are added: p_prop1_scalar, p_prop2_scalar, and sp_prop3_scalar Then we can use the mapping file:

        <ValueMapping name="prp1" maps-to="p_prop1_scalar"/>
        <ValueMapping name="prp2" maps-to="p_prop2_scalar"/>
        <ValueMapping name="prp3" maps-to="sp_prop3_scalar"/>

and the procedure:

 1Procedure pr_getDataViaScalarReads {
 2    Body: {
 3        dex::AddMapping(
 4            mappingName :  "streamScalarRead",
 5            mappingFile :  "Mappings/streamPropertiesScalarMappingJSON.xml");
 7        for i_dataFileNo do
 8            sp_elemName := SubString(sp_dataFileNames(i_dataFileNo),1,StringLength(sp_dataFileNames(i_dataFileNo))-5);
 9            SetElementAdd(
10                Setname :  s_streams,
11                Elempar :  ep_anotherStream,
12                Newname :  sp_elemName);
14            dex::ReadFromFile(
15                dataFile         :  "data/" + sp_dataFileNames(i_dataFileNo),
16                mappingName      :  "streamScalarRead");
17            p_prop1(ep_anotherStream) := p_prop1_scalar ;
18            p_prop2(ep_anotherStream) := p_prop2_scalar ;
19            sp_prop3(ep_anotherStream) := sp_prop3_scalar ;
21        endfor ;
22    }
23    StringParameter sp_elemName;

Solution via the ExternalBinding Element

By establishing an external binding, we can directly store the data of the slice read in:

    <ExternalBinding binds-to="i_stream" binding="ep_anotherStream"/>
        <ValueMapping name="prp1" maps-to="p_prop1(i_stream)"/>
        <ValueMapping name="prp2" maps-to="p_prop2(i_stream)"/>
        <ValueMapping name="prp3" maps-to="sp_prop3(i_stream)"/>

by using the procedure:

 1Procedure pr_getDataViaExternalBinding {
 2    Body: {
 3        dex::AddMapping(
 4            mappingName :  "streamExternalRead",
 5            mappingFile :  "Mappings/streamPropertiesExternalMappingJSON.xml");
 7        for i_dataFileNo do
 8            sp_elemName := SubString(sp_dataFileNames(i_dataFileNo),1,StringLength(sp_dataFileNames(i_dataFileNo))-5);
 9            SetElementAdd(
10                Setname :  s_streams,
11                Elempar :  ep_anotherStream,
12                Newname :  sp_elemName);
14            dex::ReadFromFile(
15                dataFile         :  "data/" + sp_dataFileNames(i_dataFileNo),
16                mappingName      :  "streamExternalRead");
18        endfor ;
19    }
20    StringParameter sp_elemName;

As you can see, there is no need anymore for the additional parameters: p_prop1_scalar, p_prop2_scalar, and sp_prop3_scalar.