The library AimmsPLET

AimmsPLET library download

The AimmsPLET library contains functions an AIMMS application with service for long running tasks could use to record interesting events. This library uses the prefix plet, and therefore often referenced to as plet instead of AimmsPLET.



The following steps are recommended to add the AimmsPLET library to your AIMMS application with a service for long running tasks:

  1. Add the library AimmsPLET by cloning from: <copying above download>

  2. Add libraries AimmsPLET depends on, currently only Stopwatch, see Stopwatch Library.

  3. Optionally add AimmsPLET and Stopwatch to the .gitignore of your AIMMS app.


Start and finish recording

To start and finish recording events, you should use the functions plet::pr_initTask() and plet::pr_finishTask() which record the events of starting and finishing a task.

 1Procedure pr_solveFlowshopNjobsMmachinesService {
 2    Body: {
 3        plet::pr_initTask();
 5        block
 6            _sp_inp := dex::api::RequestAttribute( 'request-data-path'  ) ;
 7            _sp_out := dex::api::RequestAttribute( 'response-data-path' ) ;
 9            pr_implementSolveNjobsMmachinesFlowshopService( _sp_inp, _sp_out );
11        onerror _ep_err do
13            plet::pr_errorHandler(_ep_err);
14            errh::MarkAsHandled(_ep_err);
16        endblock ;
18        plet::pr_finishTask();
20        return 1;
21    }
22    dex::ServiceName: solveFlowshopNjobsMmachinesService;
23    StringParameter _sp_inp;
24    StringParameter _sp_out;
25    ElementParameter _ep_err {
26        Range: errh::PendingErrors;
27    }


  1. Line 3: Initialize recording of events for the task at hand. It will also record administrative info for that task, such as its starting time, user, app, and service.

  2. Lines 5, 10, 13, 14, 16 Error handling to ensure that any warnings or error encountered during the execution of the task at hand are properly recorded; including a stack trace.

  3. Line 18: Finish recording the task, it will also fill in the stop time for that task signaling any followers of that task to stop.

  4. Line 22: Mark this procedure as a service.


The provided global identifiers are:

  • sp_pletODBCDatabaseConnection – The ODBC connection string to the plet database. With this connection, the application can write events to that database. Initialized in plet::LibraryInitialization and closed in plet::LibraryTermination

The provided functions are:

  • plet::pr_initTask

    Record starting of task, and start recording events for that task.

  • plet::pr_finishTask

    Record task finished.

  • plet::pr_log(sp_msg,p_lev)

    • sp_msg (input) The message to be logged.

    • p_lev (optional, default 3 (info)). The level of importance of the message.

  • plet::pr_errorHandler(ep_err)

    Record the incident, including stack trace, in the plet database.

    • ep_err (input in errh::PendingErrors) a reference to the incident.

  • plet::spl::pr_watchProgress(ep_gmp)

    • ep_gmp (input in AllGeneratedMathematicalPrograms), the mathematical program to be followed.