Get More Log Information for AIMMS 4.79 and older

The article is a companion article to Get more log information, and provides materials that should only be used for AIMMS 4.79 and older.

This article provides two files that are templates in creating this information:

  • LoggerConfig.xml This file configures how much output several loggers provide during an AIMMS session. You can tailor it to write XML or TXT output. It is not suited for using on AIMMS Cloud.

  • RunWithExtraLogging.bat This is a small utility to start up AIMMS with LoggerConfig.xml activated.

These two files can be downloaded from the link below

As there is no automatic applying of logging settings using LoggerConfig.xml, you will need to somehow add --logcfg LoggerConfig.xml to the AIMMS Command Line. One way of achieving that is using an MSDOS Batch script, such as the one below:

About RunWithExtraLogging.bat

To activate the LoggerConfig.xml the command line option --logcfg should be used. You can enter the entire command from the command prompt.

A batch file quickly becomes more convenient, if you do this more than once. Consider the following .bat file:

 1echo on
 3rem Modify this to select the proper AIMMS Version.
 6rem Select the latest AIMMS version
 7rem Get the latest AIMMS release installed by pushing/popping both drive and path,
 8rem and then switching to the folder of installed AIMMS versions.
 9rem Assumption: the users folder is on the C drive.
13cd %localappdata%\AIMMS\IFA\Aimms\
14for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b `) do set AIMMSVERSION=%%f
18set AIMMSEXECUTABLE="%localappdata%\AIMMS\IFA\Aimms\%AIMMSVERSION%\Bin\aimms.exe"
20rem Assuming there is precisely one .aimms file in the current folder,
21rem the following command will select that .aimms file and start it with the AIMMSEXECUTABLE selected.
22rem Logging is turned on by --logcfg LoggerConfig.xml on the command line.
23for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (`dir /b *.aimms`) do %AIMMSEXECUTABLE% --logcfg LoggerConfig.xml %%f
25rem Assuming here LoggerConfig.xml still writes to the fixed folder c:\temp,
26rem we move the create logfile from this folder to the current folder.
27rem Because of this fixed location, we can only debug one AIMMS project at a time!
28rem copy c:\temp\aimms-log.xml log
29rem del c:\temp\aimms-log.xml

Selected remarks about the about this .bat file:

  • The file provided is just a template to be tailored as needed.

  • Line 1: We keep the echoing on; such that we can see afterward whether the .bat file worked as expected.

  • Lines 10-16: Search the folder %localappdata%\AIMMS\IFA\Aimms\ for the latest AIMMS installed. For me, this doesn’t work as I still have AIMMS 4.9 installed. That is why I uncommented line 4, and commented out lines 10-16 for the projects I’m working on.

  • Line 23: Here AIMMS is started using the command line option --logcfg. The trick in this statement is that it is applied to every .aimms file in the folder. As there is usually only one such file, this works out nicely.

  • Line 28,29 The XML file appender may be configured to write to a file with an absolute path. In that case, uncomment these two lines, such that we copy the XML log file to the place it belongs: the log folder of the project.

  • Line 31: By pausing we can see the log in the command window opened. It might be useful to check whether the .bat execution worked properly on your system. You may want to remove this line after a while.