Openstreetmap images missing from network object


The background of a WinUI network widget does not display a map anymore. The background is provided by OpenstreetMap.


OpenstreetMap provides a tile or WMS service free of charge. The “free of charge” provision assumes a fair use policy; if you are using the application heavily, you will need to take a subscription, see also OpenstreetMap Acceptable Use Policy

Heavy use of other similar services by other providers will also require that you to take a subscription!

The AIMMS WinUI provides software to deploy these GIS services but the AIMMS WinUI does not provide these services themselves.

More information to change to a new service can be found via: Aimms Menu > Help > Contents and Index, and then search for GIS.

Selected other services

  1. Bing provides their service free or subscripted.


    Nowadays most web services use an apikey to log in, instead of a username/password. The apikey can be filled in in the username field in the Authentication of a GIS Source:


    Here the sp_BingApiKey is a string parameter holding the apikey you received from Bing.

  2. Mundialis provides the information together with OpenstreetMap:


    Please respect the copyright of OpenstreetMap by crediting them using the following link: © OpenStreetMap Contributors

  3. Yahoo no longer provides a map tile server. In the AIMMS WinUI, the type “Yahoo” is translated to “OpenstreetMap”.

Note that the above list is not exhaustive, see Wikipedia